1. Yes, Yoshiko – “As the wind blows the leafs” – such a lovely image, suits the title very well too.
      Thanks for the thoughtful comment, my friend. 🙂
      Hope you’re doing well!


    1. Thank you for the kind words, John!
      Took this picture today evening…from my good-for-nothing phone, haha. I’m eagerly waiting for December. 🙂


    1. Ehehehe, thanks Z! For some reason I couldn’t get it out of my head so I adjusted the other lines accordingly..hopefully it makes at least a little sense. XD


    1. I agree, Dwindle is such a sweet little verb to express something not so melodic. Thank you for the kind and generous words, Frederic!
      Hope you’re doing well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, C!
      It’s my ingenious NKA at work again, can’t get any other shot from my balcony, it’s quite a limited area and the neighbours are often exercising their binocular-y skills. The struggle is real. XD

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! Thanks so much for the kind words! I was dubious about using the last line, it’s great that you like it the best. 🙂


      1. Isn’t it interesting what readers pick out? Sometimes it’s just what we hoped, other times it’s something else we didn’t realize was much to shout about–or that we were “dubious” about. I appreciate readers who are specific in their comments.


  1. See D! this is the punishment for being late (I hope you know my reasons)………… all my good thoughts are already enveloped in other comments by wonderful people. Yet, I have something to say: The poem is apparently a celestial law court with justness dished out in Sky’s silvern platter. As Staci said…… the title is aptly beautiful. You caught the wonder very smartly. It is justified poetically by you. Stay shining! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, it’s okay R, I understand, please don’t feel bad about it.
      See? You always have something fresh to add which always contributes further to the meaning of the poem. As you said, I tried to present it in a form of a royal court – with the silver platter and the crown.
      Thanks so much, R! Always appreciate your presence and encouragement. *Hugs* 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. HEHEHE, doesn’t it! It made me too, so when it came to my mind, I just had to use it somehow. 😀
      Thanks for the comment, Millie!
      I hope you are doing well!


      1. My real name…hehe it’s a tad bit embarrassing so you can call me by my ‘WordPress name’ which is – Light. 😀

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