The perfect storm

I woke up before
the stars had dried
out of its light
And the night
still had some
melancholy left to
fill the minds
of those who were
always there for it

I could hear the
harsh wind blow over
the frozen lake
cursing its immobility
Could see the dew drops
glistening deliberately
like that was the purpose
of its existence
I could feel the warmth
of the floor below my feet
The warmth that saves us
and suffocates us

About nature and man it stays true
Blood is what separates light from hue


    1. Thank you very much, Pepper! You’re very kind and generous, as always, my friend. Hope you’re having a nice day! ♥
      Much Love

      Liked by 1 person

  1. …”before
    the stars had dried
    out of its light”…

    “The warmth that saves us
    and suffocates us”…
    “Blood is what separates light from hue”
    your metaphors are incredibly powerful!
    Great poem.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like this Light, it reminds of my poem I named my site after:

    “21 Shades of Blue”
    by Ry Hakari

    It’s constant winter here
    and the stars are falling down,
    lighting up the clouds
    as the wind cries loud
    because love has me
    in the sleeper cell
    I’m a true Jack Frost

    and my name’s hush-hush
    I pay off my promises
    with the currency
    of cold closed lips
    so I can live and breathe
    in this zero breeze
    as it consumes me

    under the willow tree
    while waiting for the sun
    to come out from
    above the storm,
    down below
    to the center blue,
    where I stand frozen still

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Ryan! And, the poem you shared is splendidly evocative. I specifically love the second stanza – “I pay off my promises
      with the currency
      of cold closed lips
      so I can live and breathe
      in this zero breeze
      as it consumes me”
      That’s very powerful imagery. And, so are the ending lines.
      Thank you for introducing me to your superb work, I look forward to reading more!

      Take care!


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great words and imagery here, my dear. I read this three or four times, and each time I understood it just that little bit more. I’m just a little confused about this line:
    “The warmth that saves us
    and suffocates us”
    –I would love to know what was going on inside that brilliant mind of yours when you wrote this line. hmmm.
    🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Staci! 🙂
      About those lines – I had two aspects in mind
      First – It is about people who say that they don’t want to be saved but they do – we all want to be, that I suppose is the natural scheme of thoughts. Hence, the warmth – help, it saves them and suffocates them. I wrote it because I’m one of those ‘people’.
      Second – Since, the lines above depict how Nature in itself is complete – humans generally don’t play a part in it but the vice-versa is true – We need Nature for a balanced sustenance. Yet, we are so accustomed to the daily luxuries that it has become almost impossible to be in peace with Nature. Hence, Nature saves us but us not being a part of it even if we want to can be suffocating.

      There you go. Hope you found the explanation satisfactory. 🙂 ❤
      Also, Happy Halloween!! I have sent some fruit flavoured candies for my Halloween buddies. Hope they are doing well. 😀


      1. Oh Wow, that’s great. Brilliant thinking you’ve got going there. I love it. I totally agree, about nature and needing it, but we’re addicted to distractions and business that at the same time we go nuts far from it.
        Thanks a ton for explaining that. And thanks for the Halloween wishes. My kids will love the candies, as here in Brazil Halloween isn’t celebrated (although they totally want to celebrate it). I’ll be making dipped wafers with chocolate eyes for them later.
        🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Nope, i’m not generous :p i just like speaking what i feel, when i feel it to an extreme. Hehehhe just a little hyper and well, super appreciative towards stuff that reaches my heart! ❤
        Stay awesome! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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